Division of Research Data Service

Division of Research Data Service


We provide information infrastructure for storing, sharing, and publishing research data, as well as human support for research data management (support for creating data management plans (DMPs), advice on research data management, support for publishing research data, literacy education for students, etc.). In addition, we train personnel to provide such human support.


By providing information infrastructure and human support, we will ensure that appropriate management and publication of research data can be realized without placing a heavy burden on researchers. We will also develop methods of research data service suited to the Japanese situation through practical application, and lead research data service in Japan.

Organization & Members

Open Science Promotion Unit

Emi IshitaProfessorData-Driven Innovation Initiative
Toshiyuki ShimizuAssociate ProfessorLibrary
Toshihiro UchibayashiAssociate ProfessorResearch Institute for Information Technology

Research Data Management Infrastructure Unit

Yoichi Tomiura (Division Director)ProfessorFaculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Yoshitaka WatanabeAssociate ProfessorResearch Institute for Information Technology
Yoshiaki KasaharaAssistant ProfessorResearch Institute for Information Technology