Approved by the Education and Research Council on March 16, 2023
Purpose and Objectives
- The mission of Kyushu University (hereinafter referred to as “this University”) is to contribute to mankind and society by promoting research activities and widely publishing the results, as the foundation of the pursuit, creation and development of better knowledge.
Research data is a valuable asset, as it is not only the product resulting from research, but also the source of new knowledge. Additionally, it is vital in order to guarantee the integrity of research.
As such, through cooperation with various stakeholders in the course of research activities, this University seeks to manage research data efficiently in order both to increase its value and to enhance the quality and transparency of research. Furthermore, this University strives to make research data available to society and the research community through publication and thereby promote its use, with the aim of creating new knowledge.
Given this philosophy, the objective of this Policy is to establish the principles of research data management and publication at this University.
Definition of Research Data
- The research data subject to this Policy is data, both digital and otherwise, collected and/or generated by researchers via research activities at this University.
Definition of Researchers
- The researchers governed by this Policy are this University’s officers, staff, faculty members, and students, etc.
Research Data Management
- Researchers have not only the authority to manage the research data they have collected and generated, but also the responsibility to manage it appropriately in accordance with relevant legislation, contracts, ethical standards, and the like.
As well as assuming ultimate responsibility for research data management, this University shall put in place an environment that supports research data management.
Publication of Research Data
- This University and its researchers shall cooperate with each other in promoting the publication of research data and encouraging its use, in keeping with the University’s research strategy and mission to contribute to society.
Researchers shall decide whether or not to publish research data, based on consideration of the specific nature of their research field and in accordance with relevant legislation, contracts, ethical standards, and the like. This University shall play a proactive role in activities to facilitate publication by researchers and shall put in place an environment to support this.
Kyushu University Research Data Management and Sharing Policy [PDF]
Kyushu University Research Data Management and Sharing Policy Commentary [PDF]